Presentation of the projects of the Babylon Yar Holocaust Memorial team

The video and the full text of the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial are offered to your attention.
For the first time, the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Charitable Foundation is publishing a full video of its Supervisory Board meeting. All details are for your attention: internal presentations, budget figures, new projects with Serhiy Loznytsia, Center for Spatial Technologies, research and development of the team.
This is a discussion with the participation of a new member of the Board Leonid Kravchuk, Alexander Kwasniewski, Vitaliy Klitschko, Sviatoslav Vakarchuk, Nathan Shcharansky, Viktor Pinchuk, Iryna Bokova and other members of the Supervisory Board.
Leonid Makarovych has joined us.Yes, it’s me. Can you see me?Yes, we can.It is necessary to change the screen a little.What shall I do?It’s OK.Is it OK? Can you see me now more or less clearly?Yes, we can see you.Could you lower the screen a little bit?I’ll set it like that.Yes. Leonid Makarovych, I am Natan Sharansky,I am very glad to see you after all these years.Once you were a pioneerOnce you were a pioneer of Ukrainian-Israeli relations.Yes, I was, I remember this.It was nice. I remember our conversation.I remember you quite well.I am pleased to see you.I am also very pleased to see you.We are all very pleased, I’m sure.Max, what are instructions?When do we start?Victor Pinchuk is not yet with us,but I think he will connect in a couple of minutes.Ok.Yes, he has warned that he will join later.Therefore, we can begin.Yes. Vitaliy Vladimirovich is also in place,we are happy to welcome you.So, dear friends,I am happy to welcome all of you.Today new member of our Supervisory Board —Leonid Kravchuk, the first President of Ukraine,join us.It is the President,who started the new policy of Ukrainein respect of not only the future but also of the pastand establishing relations with Israel,in particular,the recognition and exposure of crimesof the Nazi regime and the communist regime.We appreciate it, and we are happy to welcome you.The last time we were joined by Svetlana Alekseevich,a Nobel prize winner, a Belarussian writer.She was going to participate in the today’s discussion,but, unfortunately, at the last momenta disaster has happened in Belarus,and her Internet line won’t work.She has sent her welcome speechand has asked to read it aloud,s she was eager to participate in the meeting.Listen, if, in Belarus, it is only the Internetthat went wrong, that’s not the worst thing.And I’ll read out her words:“Dear friends, it is a pity that I am not with youat this moment, although I am with you in spiritI would like to say that I really likethis bold and beautiful idea of the project.Such an overwhelming grief.We all need courage and idealism.Because it it necessary to involve a lot of peopleinto implementation of our idea.But I believe in Ilya Korzhanovskiy,and I teach from the future.I would like to say I fell in love with all of you.I am glad to work with you.Friendly yours, Svetlana Alekseevich».It is very pleasant, when the Nobel laureate can expressthe attitude to our project instead of you.I want to emphasize that we will speakin Ukrainian, in Russian, and in English.The simultaneous translation is available,and anyone can connect the most preferable language.I hope, Maxim, that you have ensuredthat all the members know how to do it.Once again, I would like to warn you that,taking into account the fact that,unfortunately, in the press,there have been recently a lot of baselessaccusations against us, in particular,that we prepare such projects behind closed doors,this meeting will be open,will be posted in the Internet,thus, keep it in mind.We have nothing to hide,and our discussion and the projects themselveswill be presented to all those who wishto see them and know about them.Our agenda is very simple.First, there will be a summary reportof what we did last year,and on the top of that is the presentation of projectsthat are now under development.As we have repeatedly respondedto voiced suspicions or even allegations in the press,the best answer is projects,with preparation of which we really deal.And the main part of our today’s meetingis to present and discuss these projects.It is natural that there is a needto vote on matters related to the budgetand other issues.At this point I give the floor to our General Director.Maxim, you are welcomed.Maxim Yakover.Thank you very much, Natan.Good afternoon, all the membersof the Supervisory Board, all the guests.I would like to start by reminding,first of all, myself why we are here.For me personally,the Holocaust is a hot-button storyand I am grateful that it is possible to work togetheron the implementation of this mission.It is a pretty young project,for comparison, more than 15 yearspassed from the inception of the ideato the date of openingthe Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsawand our project is developing quite dynamically,or 3.5 years the foundation has been laid,the infrastructure of the projectand land plots are available,and the base historical narrative has been created.In 2020, we have planned the budgetat the level of 2019,but we expect a significant decreasein the percentage of administrative costs.In 2019, the main project wasthe architectural competition,on which over a million dollars was spent.Although in 2019 the Scientific Councilwas not convened,4 projects, including, 3D model, were created,the project history was was devised,the first interviews of oral history were recorded.In 2019, a number of content projects was also created.Returning to the current year,I would like to tell about our team.You may notice significant changesin the organizational structure of the organization.This is due to the fact that a new,more creative stage involving the creation of its own content has began.And we need talentswho will be focused on this issue.Our project stands on two pillars.The first pillar is science that generates knowledge,and the second pillar is the contentthat is the language for presenting such knowledgein a form that will allow understanding and compassion.From a scientific point of view,we have increased staff twice,and it is important that all the historians,who have worked previously,continue to work on their projects.continue to work on their projects.Thus, succession of the key direction has been preserved.In fact, we have created the creative part from scratch.At the same time,I will repeat myself and say thatwe plan to reduce the percentage of administrative costsas compared to 2019.Today the team will tell more about the projects.I will only mention a few key facts.This year we have tripled the number of research projects.What do we do for the first time?We collect and systematize all knowledge of the Babyn Yaraccumulated by mankind until today.For the first time,we create an annotated bibliography of all publicationswe create an annotated bibliography of all publications and prepare the Babyn Yar encyclopedia.We plan to publish it by the time of the 80th anniversary.We index all the information in the archives on our themes,create a list of the existing artifacts in the world archives.Owing to the introduction of content division,we have also improved scientific workdue to disciplinary work of the team.For example, in 2019,work on geolocating places of shooting deaths the in the Yar began.In 2020,it has transformed into a full 3D model of the changes of the territorythroughout the 20th century that, inter alia,includes the places of execution.As a result, we will have obtained the film-investigationand physical model that can become a part of the exhibition.Such projects allow having a synergyof artistic part that strengthens the scientific partand vice versa.In 2020, the key project is the curatorial concept.But while it is under preparation, in June,we are now ready to launch projectsthat allow understanding the vector of our thinking.It will also give us an opportunityto get feedback from the audience,to understand in what it can be involvedand to take it into account when creating the curatorial concept.We have talked about the 3D model,but we have an ideato show our approach to changes in the location— in the Babyn Yar —through the dot installations.From the point of view of organization management,the situation was as follows.During the first two monthswe dealt with the formation of the team,budget and launching of the projects.In an ideal world, every organization should have done itbefore the end of the year,but since we started in December,these processes lasted until February.Unfortunately, because to the corona virus,we did it twice,but, in fact, we have abandoned all off-line activitiesand reinvented the essential part of the project.We were guided by the European Parliamentand key institutionsthat discontinued the off-line activitiesuntil the end of the year.As I have said before,at the same time, we were involved in launching projects,for this reasonwe have launched the first five projects in January,three more projects in February, in March,you can see them on the screen.It is also important to note that,in mid-April,we have suffered quite a serious media crisisthat began with the attack on the projectand had several relapsesover the next six weeks.Here I would like to enlarge upon the dotand devote some attention to it.To ensure our understanding,the understanding of the crisis,it is necessary to step back a few steps backand remember how the project began.In 2016, the initiative on establishingthe fund was supported by the Mayor,the President,donors, prominent representativesof Ukrainian and international community.After only three months after the opening,international historians discussed the narrative.And just a month later,16 Ukrainian historians wrotean open letter criticizing the project.In fact, there were two main issues.All the victims of the tragedyshould be taken into account.The second issuewas related to the conceptthat there could be no justificationof the USSR policyaimed at blotting this tragedy out from memory.This criticism was more of systematic origin,but voiced risks were taken into accountin the narrativethat was published a year and a half later,and the narrative became quite a balanced one.Despite this,three months later,with the support of the Ministry of Culture,an alternative narrative of this group of criticsthat still undergoes international review was published.The organization has alsofaced criticism related to the involvementof donors with Russian citizenship,that was not a problem at the very beginning.Thus, stepping up to 2020,we had a competing project at the background.In 2020, it was this groupwho acted as the locomotive of the letterto the President, Prime Ministerwith an appeal to monopolizethe right of memorialization in the Babyn Yarand initiate the issue related to land plots.What has been new in 2020?We have also received criticismfrom former employees and partners of the fundin the international press,it was made publicafter the use of the draft presentationfor manipulative presentation of the projectin the press.Our position is quite clear and systematic,we have proposed to the President of Ukraineto appoint a representative to be includedinto the Supervisory Board.We re-create a Public Counciland move in the direction of the maximum transparency.We’ve got another strong Ukrainian votein the Supervisory Board;we are glad to welcomeLeonid Makarovych.We set up two research institutesand a strengthened scientific direction,now the Arts Council is under creation,it will include Ukrainian and internationalworkers of culture and people of art,and offered all the interested partieswith a similar missionto join our project.We have a number of internal challenges,on which we are working.The key challengeis the building of the curatorial conceptand all the solutions on the architectural competitionthat we have to adopt until the end of the year.We currently manage 27 projects simultaneously,and the next quarter will be devotedto management of such multi-disciplinary teams.It is obvious that it is critical for usto strengthen the communication directionnot only in Ukraine,but also in Israel,the USA, Europe,and we are already involvedin conducting relevant negotiations.We have passed the external audit,we have set up the Internal Audit Committee,and now we offer to establish an Operations Committeethat is open to all members of the Supervisory Boardwho will meet and discuss strategyand key projects several times a month.Now I want to go back to the big picture.As far as the construction of the museum is concerned,if you look at the schedule,it is clear that, as I said,the key direction is the curatorial concept.Until the middle of 2021,it is important to finalizeall the questions on the draft designof architecture and exhibition design.Then we can proceed todesigning and construction.Another important question pool is science.Until the end of the year,we should strengthen the Scientific Committee,two scientific institutions should start to workat full capacity by having made the first project,and later their main taskwill be creation of new knowledgeand support of the exhibition design,international cooperation and the education blockthat should spread such knowledge.The third block is the communication block.Here it is important,before the middle of next year,to finalize all the questionsrelated to the reputation,political support,international cooperationin order to pass smoothlyin the middle of 2021 to the fundraising phase.There is the last, but a key area,it is the actualization of the topic.Here we have to work asif the museum has been already open.The first projects for broad public audienceare planned for this year.In fact, this year we have toopen an on-line museumthat should be developed constantly.Our artistic director Ilya Khrzanovskiywill tell how to make the project an outstanding one.Thank you.Dear members of the Supervisory Board!I will speak very briefly,because our project and the way we deal with it dependsnot only on a single person,but on a group of people,very different personalities.Because an outstanding projectcan be done only with the help of prominent people.And therefore, in fact,the major part of the presentationwill be a presentation of some of the projectsthat seem to us the most important in orderto present them to the members of the Supervisory Board,to elaborate the direction, in which we move.The artistic image is very importantfor any museum projector arts project.It should be the image,through which one can learnand feel the facts or stories,we would like to tell.First of all, we tell human stories,because the history of the Babyn Yaris the story of the people who died there.All these people are martyrs,who disappeared there,that’s why we chose a certain image.This image is linked to a dot.For example, as asserted in mathematics,the dot is the possibility to place spaceswith any length at a dot with a predetermined size,that is, in a small area of particular, in a free placement of our entire universe.Thus, at every dot that we can seeat the territory of the visual image of the memorialas a separate universe consisting,there is the human fateof the person who died here.At our web-sitethat will be launched at the end of the month,when making enlargement in each of such dots,one will be able to discover the history,information about the fate of the personwho died here.And the data will be always replenished.At the moment,we have information about 18 thousandverified by today victims of the tragedy,and it is already on the virtual map.These are the dots that thenform the Babyn Yar inscription.Backgrounds behind us,these dotsmake the structure of the Babyn Yar.There are some suggestionsabout the appearanceof the new version of the Babyn Yar inscriptionmade of these dots thatmay be transformed into the structure of the Yar.Into the inscription into the landscape.Works with the territoryand with the architectural designare based on the principle of unity,a coherent picture,in which we connect architecture,museum design,and work with the entire territory,because the museum is locatedwithin a large area of the Babyn Yarwith an extensive history.We will work using the workshop.The architectural competition held last yearwas an important and remarkable one.Based on its results, the project was selected,and, of course, it requires rework.In June, we will hold the first workshoprelated to the possibility of recycling.It will be held by the German company “Face Eins”that, in fact, held the architectural competition.Not only architects,but also historians, philosophers, psychologists,designers and museum professionalsin the memory of history will participate in a series of workshops.In fact, these groups,these very different people,different personalitieswill have to create a certain imageof the museum within the next few months,and then this image will be described in the conceptand trans ferred into a finalized architectural concept.Now the part that is associated with the territory,with the area of the Babyn Yar,its study is the most essential for us.We study both historical facts and eventsof 1941and the territory itself.To do it, we apply different methodsand different types of projects.Most of our projects are multi-disciplinary projects.If these projects are approved by the Supervisory Board,they will also become the part of the on-line platformthat we will launch in the near futureand that will turn into the on-line museumlong before the construction ofof the physical building for the museum.It will give people the opportunity to communicatewith all the world,express their opinions,because our web-site will provide for providingprovide for providing the opportunity of providing feedback,chatting, making assessments,holding the conversation or dialog.People will be able to communicateand to learn what happened in the Babyn Yar in 1941.Now I am now going to ask Anna Kamyshan,Head of the Department of Architecture and Design,to tell a little about the work on the territory.And before that,I’ll show you a short video.These diaries of the Babyn Yarthat we recorded from time to timeand will record periodically in order to learnnot only what happened there the past,but what is happening there now,to share this information with anyonewho wants to know somethingabout this place.Right now, you have seenthe record of two days at the Babyn Yarmade by our colleague, our operator.And now Anna Kamyshanwill tell you about the study of the territory.That meansthat our main genre now is studies,but at the same time,these studies should be conducted in a formthat might be interesting toa wide range of people.Because the involvement of people,actualization of the theme through the actionis also our important task.It is also a possibility to makethe concept more convincing,balanced and truly outstanding.Anna, you are welcome.Thank you, Ilya.I am glad to welcomeall those who have gathered here today,and I am grateful for the opportunityto present some of the projects,with which I deal in the fund.I will speak in Ukrainian,so that all those who needsimultaneous translation can turn it on.So, as Ilya has said,this year we deal with thedevelopment of the concept,and the firstwhere we started withwas the collection of all the informationavailable to us about this place.What you can see now is the first partof a large interdisciplinary studythat we plan to conduct this year.The architectural studio “Form” from Kyivand other invited experts —landscape architects, biologists, architects,culturologists and, of course, historians of our institutework with us on the first part.This study considered territoriesin a very large scale.We considered them from the placeof the Kurenivka tragedyand the St. Cyril’s Church to the Lukianivske cemetery,Repiakhiv Yar and Syrets Concentration Camp.The time frame was actuallyfrom the most ancient times to the present.And it seems that only this scale allows understandingthe history of this place that we try to do.Unfortunately, I do not have enough timeto tell in detail about the study,but I hope that you nowwill get some impressions of this study,and you will be able to learnmore carefully later,when we publish it.I will briefly tell about some partshat might be interesting.We generally startedwith studying the origination of the Babyn Yar,reasons of its originationWe have realized thatthis is a territory formed by water,namely, by streams that formedthe soil for thousands of years,strictly speaking, those that formed the Yar.In terms of urban science,this is a rather common storyabout hidden underground streamsBut here, in the territory of the Babyn Yar,this story has a special meaning.It seems that it is not only people who died herebut also the spirit of this placeand those streams died along with them.What does make this study a truly multifaceted one?We tried to combinenot only the facts but myths.For example,according to one of the legends,in the tomb of St. Cyril’s Church,a hero from the Song of Igor’s Campaignwas supposedly buried.And according to another legend near the Babyn Yarin the Repiakhiv Yar,there were caves,where Zmey Gorynych(a three-headed dragon) lived.By the way,these are the caves where,on 12 March 1911,the body of Andrii Yuschynskyifrom the notorious Beilis case was found.The study of nature of the Babyn Yarhas become a separate important part.We have already browsed this.For example, it was interestingto learn that only pioneer plants grow in the places,where the land was heavily exposed to human impact,i. e. man-induced impact,where the Kurenivska tragedy took placeand other mass executions were performed.These pioneer plants do not requireany good soil,and they grow in places of shootings.These are mainly poplars.The poplar is translated from Latin as people.In a certain sense,it is already a way of honoring peoplewho died there.This study also became the base forworking with the territory.We try to concept such thingsthat can become the basisof the approach to the work areain the future.We understand that,on the one hand,it is the place of tragic events happened in the past,but, on the other hand,it is a part of the modern city,home of people living nearbyand plants, birds, animals and insects that live in the park area.So, on the one hand, this place is tough, on the other hand, it continues to live.It seems that, when implementing the approach to and working with this territory,it is particularly important to ensure the development of this place by honoring its pastand ensure the most ecological and prudent approach to it.The project’s title is “Looking into the Past”.We place 7 monoculars exactly in the places where photographerswho took those photos stand.It helps us to give a birth of the Center of Space Technologiesthat will continue the talk about it.This is the first exposition project in the open airthat will enable visitors to see how the Babyn Yarlooked like in the past during the day and night.We want to do this year, this summer.Next, please. And the last project, about I am going to tell,is a model of the territory.In addition, together with the Center of Spatial Technologies,we will make a modelthat may become the part of the permanent exhibition of the museum in the futureand tell the story of this site of commemoration by using new technologies.Thank you, I was glad to make my speech, that’s all.Thank you, Anna.The book with leaves being turned fast that you sawat the beginning of Anna’s speech, is, in fact,the first serious and multifaceted study of the territory of Babyn Yar from all sides.This book will be also published soon and sent to all members of the Supervisory Board,and it will be available to all interested people.However, at the same time, it is our working document.And now I would like to introduce Maxim Rohmaneyko,an architect and researcher, Director of the Center of Spatial Technologies,with whom we work on the project related to the 3D model.This is also an interdisciplinary project.Now Maxim is going to tell us about it. Maxim, you are welcome.Thank you, Ilya, for your introduction, I will speak in Ukrainian.I would like to make a little pause for the interpreter.Yes, I really represent the team of the Center of Space Technology,where we usually deal with modeling and studying complex urban problems.Therefore, we are quite accustomed to the work with systems,monitor networks of connections.From the very beginning of our work on the 3D model of the Babyn Yar,we set ourselves the task to unite all the archives in the same environment.Thus, various forms of media, such as photos, topographic maps, photographstaken by German reconnaissance aircrafts,are interrelated and enriched with materials of experienced historians and eyewitnesses.Accordingly, we work very closely with the Historical Department.The area that in the Soviet times was actively and systematically erased,washed away, is now reconstructed with the use of digital means.And we call this project the Babyn Yar model.Now you will see a short videothat, as I hope, will allow to get a clear understanding of the nature of our workand how much information can be gathered in this way.Thank you, Maxim.Now I would like to introduce the author of the Babyn Yar:Context projecta remarkable film director, screenwriter,winner of many international film festivals, including the Cannes Film Festival,Sergei Loznitsa.Thank you, Ilya.Good afternoon, it is very nice to meet you all here.And I am greatly honored to take part in the work of the memorial.I am grateful to Ilya for the invitation.The project title is Babyn Yar: Context.The purpose of the project is to collectthe historical context of the tragedy captured on film in the form of videos,in the form of a film and an installation.We would like to collect everything was recorded on filmand all the materials preserved in various archives,for example, in the Krasnogorsky archive in Moscow,archive by Pshenichnyi, Bundesarchiv.I found materials in some private archives in Germanythat, as I think, no one saw.All materials that are related to the causes of the tragedy,tragedy and its consequences.Using these materials, I am going to make episodes,each episode will last from two to five minutes.Starting from September of this year,we will post two of such episodes in the internet.Each of the episodes describes a particular event, for example,I can tell this about the episodes that I have more or less done,or I know the materials, from which I am going to made them.For example, Kyiv at the first days of the War, preparation of Kyiv for defense,the entry of the Wehrmacht troops in Kyiv,the prisoner of war camp, it is also filmed on the left bank of the Dnieper.As you know, about 600 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army were surrounded.Explosions of Kiev, there is also an episode showing those inspiredby a special unit of the Red Army.There is a long film devoted to the Kyiv trial in 1946.And it will also be an episode.There is an episode, the last one as of now,about the public execution in the city of Kyiv.It took place in 1946 after the Kyiv trial,12 prisoners who were involved in one way or anotherin the the events in Ukraine, etc. were executed.These episodes will cover a period from the beginning of the German invasion,the entry of the Wehrmacht troops on the territory of the USSR,till the time of installation of the monument in the 1976,the very last thing I am aware of.And I do not know what else we will manage to reach.I really would like to find archives,and I’m sure that these are such archives,these are the KGB’s archives,when they tried to gather at the Babyn Yar,such attempts were clamped down.I am sure that such film could be found.We may manage to do it or we may fail to it.Then I’ll do a documentary of these episodes.These materials will be scanned, cleaned, stabilizedand undergo correction of color, sound.Now technology allows achieving a very good quality of the imageas if the film had been filmed right now.As far as accompanying sound is concerned,I do not use a voice-over to explains something to us,and I do not use any commenting music.We try to make such sound that allow the viewer to sing in the corresponding state,in the episode that I’m going to show.The only thing that I can allowis the information subtitle.This is an unemotional message about that we can see,if it is necessary, and if we know what it is.And now we will watch two episodes,which I have so far prepared from the working material,because the archives do not work at full capacity.We did the sound for these episodes.They are not of very good quality, but the quality is perfect, I guarantee it.I already have a good experience of working with archives,I know how to work with it.I am already seen the negative film of these episodes;I have already seen some pieces.The first episode was shot in 1959,it is combined from black-and-white and color videothat means that two videos were shot.This is June of 1959.The construction and filling of the Babyn Yarwith waste generated by brick factories was shot.The second episode was shot on 13 March 1961,when the dam burst, and the waste poured the village of Kurenivka,in my opinion, the height of the wave was 4 meters.That was the wave that carried people, houses, tram depots away,all this was destroyed by the mud stream.Then a film crew arrived and shot the episode. Let’s watch it.When the era is buried,A funeral psalm does not sound.Only nettle and thistlesWill decorate it, And then it will emerge from waterLike a corpse does from a spring river.And it happened like that.I do not know how I’ll finish the film and these videos;I still do not know what I will be able to find,but I will try to find everything possibleto get the maximum amount of the materialthat was shot and is related to this tragedy.Thank you very much for your attention.Thank you, Sergey.The conversation about the pastis impossible without the conversation about it in the present.Generally, the concept of conversation as making the themeactual through things that become important for modern people,for people living today,visitors of the future museum is one of our priorities,because this conversation enable to figure out, clarify a lot.And I would like to present a project that is,in fact, entitled the Conversation,and Kseniya Marchenko will tell us about it.Ksenia, you need to turn on sound.I am sending my warm greetings to all the parts of the world.We have an incredible opportunity to speak now,to talk to each other, we have possibilities to do itand a potential large archive to be processed.We are people, we belong to the time, we belong to the space,and many of us really have the opportunity to get into the present location of the Babyn Yar.The Conversation on-line documentary project creates a situationof searching the clear sense of “I” among the term “we” for at least 50 thousand Ukrainians.This project is about the need to discuss circumstances, under which the individual memory exists,and circumstances, under which memory is transformed into knowledge about tragic events,and how old myths disappear or some new myths are created.Our project is also about the influence of the past on the presentand how the past forms our desired future.Whose stories will form the basis of this project?I may say probably without exaggeration that these will be stories of all the people,because we are interested in Ukrainians of various ages,all the people with their failures, joys, and dreams.These will be stories of people of various ages,as neither our status nor our convictions can deprive us of our ability to liveand move through life in a special way.It seems that the conversation about realitysometimes consists of such unimportant intermediate situations, but finally at the end of lifewe can call them our destiny,life path, path of decisions, desires,contacts with other people.Therefore, we tookthe idea of the social network, acquaintance of many people through personal storiesHow does it work?All interview questions will be published on the web-site,where everybody will be able to read them, they related to themes of identity,memory, patriotism, and values.Series of fundamental human questions, which we have no chance to discusswith a person during our first meeting.It will be possible to do on our web-site.How can it be done?It is possible to sign up for an interview, and an interviewer will ask questions,and one will be able to choose the preferred issues from the list of questionsand send them to us, to the project.It will be also possible to put own questions to get the response of other people.All videos will be posted on the web-site in full,and each interview will be encodedand, using search filters,it will be possible to find and compare whether people experienced the same event like you or in a different way.In fact, we create a mechanism for making people acquaintedwith each in order to discuss in-depth themes.Any person, who comes to us, joins us, tells about the reality, the present, other peopleand makes himself/herself familiar with values of the Babyn Yar memorial.Thanks for your attention.Thank you very much, Kseniya.Actually, it is the bridge between the past and the future,we have to build it in the presentby trying to form and find the language,in which we can speak about this tragedyso that to people feel, perceive it emotionally,to make it an important and meaningful thing for the people who live in our days.I want to introduce the writer, whose books are translated into dozens of languagesand were published in millions of copies in many countries, became bestsellers,for example, in the United States of America,a member of the Council for Democracy Information and Digital Technologyunder the President of the French Republic,Head of the History of the Future project, Mikhail Zygar.Mikhail, you are welcome.Thank you, Ilya.Indeed, when working in our studio, we usually produce historical digital projectsthat enliven our history.It is specialization of our studio. We translate history into the languageof modern technologies and modern interfaces.In our work, it is very important to focus on a younger audience,the attention of which is not easy to grasp.But we understand that it is necessary to talk to it in the visual language understandable by it.To do so, it is necessary very often to invent new genres.Genres of digital arts that has never exist until now.But it’s worth it, because it is due the inventing of new genres based on the technologies,social networks, and mobile interfaces, we often manage to win a multi-million audience.It was like that with many of our projects.Now we are inventing a new genre, in which nobody has ever worked until now.So far, we call it the interactive diary.I would like to show a video that will show how this the new digital genre may look like.This is one of the genres that are at the very beginning of their path, that is just being worked through.I would also like to talk about another genre, about which we know much more,and we have been been working for a long time in this genre.This is the genre of mobile audio theater.For several years, my team and I have been producing audio performancesincorporated in the urban space.We do it in different cities.For me, the Babyn Yar is a place associated with my personal experiences.Many times, I was in Kyiv and visited the memorial park, thus, for a long time,I thought that was very important to create such audio workthat could sink the person, who is currently in the park,in a certain atmosphere and cause his/her imagination to create certain works usingeverything he/she can see at the moment.Let me show a short video that will allow getting the idea of such type of audio performance.Thank you all, thank you very much for your work and for your courage.Thank you very much, Mikhail.In addition to the projects that you have seen,we still have a lot of projectsthat are currently under discussion, development.In particular, we communicatewith outstanding international figures of Ukrainian culture,who have already expressed their desireto participate in this project,among them is Marina Abramovich.We discuss a number of possible projects with her.Carsten Höller.These are artists, this is outstanding photographer, great Ukrainian,photographer, artist, Boris Mikhailovthis is Thomas Oberender,Head of the Barilin Fachspiele, a playwright.This is Alex Puts,Director of the most advanced as of today Shed Center in New York,this is Andrei Zholdak,a wonderful theater directorand many others.In addition to new projects and new ways of telling about this tragedy, of course,it is very important to structure informationthat is already available, to extract itand turn it into an accessible to the general public unified system,the database and library.Oleg Shaenko, Head of this line of activities,will tell about the library project, the collection project.Hello,now you will be able to watch a short videothat tells about the spirit of this project,and then I will tell you about its component.It is very difficult for many peopleto confine with a pair of pages from the Wikipediain order to understand a phenomenon deeply.It is especially applicable, for example,to researchers, journalists, academics, students,or the descendants who survived the Holocaust.As part of this project, we will provide access to books,articles, photos, videos, bibliographies,archival documents and indexes of artifactsthat we will try to gather in one place and to present in a single form.In addition, we will provide these usersto do with them what can be generally donein all the popular social networks on the Internet.To click likes, make bookmarks, make comments, etc.So, we want to form a community of peoplewho will work from all over the worldand perhaps then will fill our library as we do it now.It is natural that it will be doneunder the guidance of scientists and experts.During the first phase,we will only do a presentation of the re-launching of the current web-site,because there quite a lot of institutions,contractors, and technologies involved in this project.Then, by September, we will create a prototypeand hold 2 phases of testing that,by March next year, will lead us to the obtaining,if possible, of the finished product.As for the cooperation of all the departmentsof our center is concerned,we will try to build it in such a waythat will ensure the inclusion of all the knowledgegenerated initially into one archive.It is very easy to do, when it’s small.In the future,this archived will be maintained by a special archive service.The next line of activities,I was lucky to be engaged in is the collection.The video contains one of the fairly unique photographsfrom the personal archive of Adolf Hitlermade his personal photographer,who was later sentenced at the Nuremberg trial.We started from scratch,now we have in total about 12б000 different pictures,including 2000 physical copies,among them are very rare photographs,such as those 7 photos you see on the screen.They were in the film of a Luftwaffe sergeant.One of the photos that is located in the lower left cornerdepicts the Jews who are digging the grave.This is a rather unique picture that reflectswhat happened to the Jewsin the town of Zolochevin the territory of then Polandand present-day Ukraine.Having entered the city on July 2,German troops provoked the massacrethat resulted in the killing of 3,000 Jews.The Jewish communitythat existed in the city since the 16th century,ceased to exist.Of course,not only to search for old things is important to us,we are also interested in publishing books.For example, this year, very soon,this summer, for the first time, we will publish,in conjunction with the Dukh i Litera publishing housethe famous book by Vasiliy Groysmann and Ilya Ehrenburg “The Black Book”.Uncensored.We also publish “The Banality of Evil” by Hannah Arendt.Similarly, the Dukh i Litera publishing house andwe support Vladimir Yevreyskiy,who wrote about the history of Jewish communitiesin the town of Volodymyr-Volynsky.We have already published three books.Among them, there is world-famouscomic book “Maus” written by Art Spiegelmanbased on memories of his father.This is the only comic book awarded the Pulitzer Prize.In addition,it is a graphic adaptation of the “Diary of Anna Frank” and “Genocide”by Adam Jones.It is a very deep and detailed studyof the nature of the genocide.That’s all. Thank you all.Thank you, Oleg.Now, we will proceed, in my opinion,to our most important line of activities.This is historical line.Since everything you have seen in the previousblock of projects,they are foremost based on history,private stories, facts.Our General Director Maximwill tell us briefly about this line of activities.You are welcome.Thank you, Ilya.In December, Ilya formulated the ideaof creating two research institutes,and now I am pleased to introduce Ruslan,Deputy General Director for Science and Education,who will make a short overviewof projects within the scientific line of activitiesand introduce heads of the department.Ruslan, I give you the floor.Good afternoon, everyone.I am pleased to introducea part of our scientific team to you.As you know,earlier this yearwe have established two research institutes.The Institute for the Holocaust Studies in Eastern Europeand the Institute of territory and landscape to commemorate the Babyn Yar.These institutions workin a close collaborationwith the International Scientific Councilwithin the framework of our basic historical narrative.At the Institutions,there is about 1.5 dozenof scholars-historianswho work over the projects,at the moment there are 15 projects under work.Now we will present brieflythe key projects.First, I will ask Anna Furman,Head of the Research Team of the projects,to make a speech.Ruslan, thank you.I am happy to greet everybody.and thank you for the opportunityo tell about the project.The Names project has several objectivesthat are closely interconnected.It is certainly a search for names of tragedyvictims that were not discovered earlier.This is verification of namesaddition and extension of the existing informationabout the people who were earlierdescribed in the martyrologies and books of memory.These are their refinement,the recovery of pattern of the population of Kyiv.I would like to share our results of our workfor the 1st half-year period with you.A team of researchers and technical specialist has been formed.We have signed the memorandumwith the three state archives in Kyiv.Scientists have worked over 116 archival funds.On the basis of the previously published booksand archival lists,a single unified table with the names of the tragedy victimshad been drawn up,and it will be soon posted on the web-site.Of course, we will work on improving this data e base.During the verification,we managed to confirm informationabout more than 3 thousand nam es and families.Moreover, we have determined names of 834 victims of the traged y,who were previously unknown,that we will confirm later,and that were absent in the martyrologies.For the first time in the history of Ukraine,we do a scale digitization of archives and other institutions that deal with our theme.This parish registers of Offices of Vital Records,various card catalogs, and personal files,the fund of urban and district councils, cards of suppliers.Through this we can make a unique,formerly unknown system of communication between peoplefrom the past and the present,in families, in everyday life and in the environment.Every person can learn new information about his/her relatives or family members,and there are already people who apply to us with such requests.Materials that were not studied previously,such card catalogs, are of particular interest to us.We have already digitized 105 thousand cardsof the labor card catalogs related to the period of occupation of Kyiv,workers of culture and arts, containing personal information.We have also digitized the 24/12 fund,museum-archive of the transition period.This year, we are going to digitize more than 200,000 documents.We have set ourselves such an ambitious task.Sometimes we identify completely unique items in the archivesthat used to be hidden,thus, in Ukraine, there is a lot of worthy materials.Later all this will become a partof a large archive of the fund,help learning more truth about what really happened in Babyn Yarand create the unique material both for historiansfrom around the world, and for the public.Thank you for your attention.Thank you.Our next project concerns the preservation of evidence of the righteous.You know that in general,since the World War 2Yad Vashem has recognized about 2,700 the righteous from Ukraine.We try to understandhow many of them are now,it gives the opportunity not only to record their evidence,make copies of archival documents,photos, but also to launch a program for supporting the righteous.For example, we have started to do so during the quarantine period since March,and it is the time, when people need it most,we have also initiated the Letter to the Righteous projectin order to invite all the people to write their words of gratitude.This is a good project that allows these heroes feel that we remember,appreciate their deeds committed 78 years ago.Word of the RighteousNow next person I invite to make a speech is Dr. Helinada Hrinchenko,professor of the V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University,Head of the Voices project of oral history.Hello.Our project “Voices” is an initiative on recordingand archiving oral stories about the war and Holocaust in Ukraine.Persons, with whom we talk, are first and foremost witnesses of the World War 2and their descendants, as well as people who during post-war yearstries to preserve and perpetuate the memory of the Holocaust in Ukraine.We record their interviews on the territory of Ukraineand try to listen to literally all the people who wants to share their memories and reflections on the war and Holocaust,friendship and betrayal, the good and the evil, about an incredibly complicated and multifaceted military experience.We record oral stories by applying a strictly scientific method.At the same time, we strive to fix not only and not so much information about the past events,but rather the meaning and significance of such events,how those people see and remember them.In addition to oral stories,we collect documentary materials that our storytellers are eager to share with us.These are photos, diary entries, documents, certificates and artifacts of various kinds.We ask on a mandatory basis the permit of every storytellerto use his/her interview for academic and educational purposes.We draw up a passport, protocols of interviews and decipher every recorded history.In addition to recording new interviews, our project offers the search and catalogizationof all oral histories recorded previously that are now stored in different collections in the world.I mean oral stories about the war and Holocaust in Ukraine.Today, there are about 5000 of such stories.Using our own resources, we try to record, collect about 1,500 stories,as of today, we have already recorded interesting oral history,for example, told by Vladimir Pronichev, the son of Dina Pronicheva.In his story, he tells about his mother and himself.An oral story told by Larisa Bogoutdinova.The story of the girl from the famous photograph of 1950,where she is depicted sitting on the slopes of the Babyn Yar.Now you will see all those small fragments when watching a short video.We collect these stories in a single on-line archive,where anyone can view, hear and feel such stories.Thank you for your attention. Thank you, Ms. Helinado.It will be Andrii Rukkas,the Director of the Institute,Candidate of Historical Sciences,Assistant Professorof the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,who will tell us about the Institute’s projectson studying the Holocaust in Eastern Europe.Andrii, you are welcome.Good day.My name is Andrii Rukkas,and as Ruslan has already mentioned,I am an associate professorof the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyivin the Memorial FundI am honored to be the headof the Institute for Holocaust Studies in Eastern Europe.The Institute is youngin fact, it was found in February this year.and its implementation by the Institute in 2005Digitalization, decoding, translating and preparingfor publications of songs that were composed forin the area under occupationin fact, these folk songsis the description in poetic,musical language of sufferings of the Jewish peoplein the time of World War.These songs were recorded in the early postwar yearsduring Jewish geographical expedition.However, in the future,because of the Soviet state policyof Semitism massacresJewish history of ethnographythese recordings were made in secret places.They just had it … and later they just lost it.We tried to find a part of records,and we just wanted to decipher themin the Ukrainian language,perhaps even … projectof the interpreter who want to adapt these songsinto Ukrainian poemsand adapt these publications for publishingThere is another projectrelated to the publication of archival material,it tells the story of the Pavlov Psychiatric Hospital,the hospital namedafter Pavlova in Kyiv,patients of which wereamong the first victimsof the Babyn Yar.These materials are retainedin the archive of the Security Service of Ukraine.So far, they have never been published.This archival storyis interesting because of the factthat medical staff,doctors and nurses of the hospitalwere arrested by the Soviet authoritiesand security authoritiesafter the liberation of Kyiv in 1944and accused them of … requirements of the patient sayingthat they worked for the Nazis,but later they were releasedfrom all the chargesand were recognizedas those who, on contrary,helped prisoners of the hospitalbefore their death.Therefore, this case is a unique one.The next projectthat is being implemented by the Institutefor the Holocaust Studiesis the Holocaust Chronicles project.Its main purposeis not only to arrange informationabout the Holocaust crimesin the chronological record,but also by public by having showingthat the murder of Jewstook place regularly every dayand a long period of time.At least since 1939,the beginning of the World War 2to the end of the World War 2 in Eastern Europe.Today the Holocaust victimsare remembered by publicseveral times a year.On the International Day of the Holocaust —on the 27th of January,and the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Babyn Yar —29th of September. Instead, each of 366 calendar daysis the day of remembranceof the Holocaust victimsbecause murders were committed every day.Thus, we want not only to documentthe victims murdered during the Holocaust,but also make the public awareof the fact that every dayis the day of remembrance of the Holocaust victims.Another project that is being implementedby the Institute is, to a certain extent,a project that is similarto the Holocaust chronicles project,it is entitled “Chronicles of the Kyiv Occupation”.In purpose of this project is to show …because at the time while in one placepeople were being killedin another place,Christmas ornaments were being sold,and funny comedy were being shown in cinemas,and premiere performanceswere being shown in the theatersA wide array of archival materialsperiodicals, memoirs, diaries,and various documentswill be used for working over this project —“Chronicles of the Kyiv Occupation”.That means that it will be an interactive,rich in history projectThis is the main project that is being implementedwithin the framework of the Institutefor Holocaust Studies in Eastern Europe this year.Thanks for your attention.Thank you, Andriy.The next speaker is Dr. Vladislav Grinevich,Director of our Institute of the territoryand landscape of memory of the Babyn Yar,a leading researcher of the Instituteof Political and Ethnic Studiesof Political and Ethnic Studiesof the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.Vladislav, you are welcome.Highly respected members of the Supervisory Board,dear colleagues,I am happy to greet youMy name is Vladislav Grinevich,I present the academic part of the projectI would like to note thatthe scientific component played initially,plays now and will continue to playa key role in the implementationof an ambitious project on buildingout of the Globe museum.This is understandable, because, the successof the concept of creationand subsequent operating the museum,success of the project may be only reached,provided there is a strong scientific ground.We, scientists, are those who createthis ground for the successfuldevelopment of the project.By your favor, I will first makea few important remarks on the heredityof the scientific tradition in the center.In 2017, an extraordinary event took place,it was the organization within the frameworkof the Center of the International Scientific Councilthat included well-known in Ukraineand in the world researchersof the Holocaust during the World War 2,specialists in memory stories.The Scientific Council has playedan important role in the development,discussion and adoption of the basichistorical narrative focusing the majorinformation on the history of the Holocaustby embedding, in particular,the Ukrainian events in the European contextToday, international, scientific councilremains a credible, effective platformfor the exchange of ideas betweenscientists and maintain the open dialog.Today, we can confidently talk abouta new qualitative stage in the developmentof the economic component of the project.This is the creation of two research institutes.Institute for Holocaust Historyand the Institute for Studyingthe Territory and Landscapeof Memory of the Babyn YarAs it can be understood from the nameof the Research Institute, it deals withhistory and memory.It is well known that history,like politics, always originatesfrom a certain place, territory,where one or another event took place.From understanding of the Babyn Yartragedy that requires a careful studyof peculiarities of functioning and developmentof its territory as a material historical sourcesource in the widest possible chronological periodfrom ancient times until the present.However,understanding of the Babyn Yarlandscape of memory full of variousmeanings is not less important for us.The Babyn Yar still belongto those unique placesthat can be called the space of experienceand where the past, present, and futureconverge in the meta-historical sense.Now I would like to tell about our main project.We have startedand have been moving confidently towarda large-scale task — to create illustrated encyclopedia«Babyn Yar, a Territoryand landscape of Memory».The main idea is to present generalized,sub-coordinated, systematized,conceptually arranged and scientifically testeddata about the history of the Babyn Yaras a symbol of the Holocaustand other tragedies.for the first time in the world science.The structure of our encyclopediawill be built on systemic, thematic principle,its core will be created by articlesthat vary in their volume and type.Survey papers, topic articles,definitions of terms and concepts,as well as historicalsources of various kinds.A very important role,I would even say a key role,will be played by the visualand cartographic materials of the encyclopedia,photographs, maps, works of art,paintings, culture, and graphics.Using QR codes, the readersof the encyclopedia will be ableto see and hearthe witnesses of the Babyn Yar,learn about the views ofworld-renowned expertson those or other issues,see footage of the documentaryand artistic cinema, music works.Then the printed versionof the encyclopedia will be complementedwith the interactive online versionthat will not only significantlyexpand the readership,but also will develop this important projectby creating an interdisciplinary professionaland social environment around it.There is another very important ideathat it is the work on the encyclopedia andits materials that will promotethe formation of the contentand artistic materials for fillingthe future museum exhibition,in other words, they will createa solid scientific basis that I mentionedat the beginning of my speech.This project will be createdby joint efforts of many leadingscientists of Ukraine and of the world,experts from various fields of knowledge,authors of the Encyclopedia, of course,some employees from our institutewill be involved.We work on another projectof paramount importance,the results of which we hopeto present this autumn,it is the annotated bibliography of publicationson issues related to the Babyn Yar.It is surprising, but this is the factthat such work has not been carriedout for all the past decades,and there is a clearly enormousproblem related to it.These materials will be collectedin various languages:In Ukrainian, in Russian, in German,in English, and in Yiddish and others.At the very end, I would like to notethat activities of two research institutesare conducted on the basisof academic integrity and openinteraction with all structural units of the center.We also work, as I have already mentioned,in the closest cooperation withthe International Academic Council,and we are absolutely opento dialog with all the interested institutionsand experts both in Ukraineand in the world.Thanks for your attention.Thank you, Vladislav.The next block of our presentation is educationThe basic principles of this areaare to develop in young of the transdisciplinaryunderstanding of historical events,the ability to critically evaluate and analyzehistory, to develop skills with on-line toolsfor the study of history not only from textbooksthe skills to work on individualand on group research projects.In this field, we already work on severalpilot projectsIt so happened that our chief adviseron education and technologyDr. Boris Borenfeldt is now in Mexicobecause of the quarantine,I have asked him to record a videowith the presentation of educational projects.Dear members of the Supervisory Board!Before I make presentation to youof two educational projects,on which our team works now,I would like to makea very brief excursionin the pedagogical domainand and a little bit in the history domain.Genocide is almost always preceded bya falsification of history.Thus, regimes,especially totalitarian ones,attempt to justify their existenceand, even worse, their actions.It is necessary to teach historyto children in a fundamentally different way.First of all,the teaching of history should be active,exploratory, based on work with primary sources.It is very importantto involve studentsin forming the memory culture of their people.It is the purpose,for implementation of which we are currently developinga very interesting on-line productentitled “Collaborative Memory Card”.Working jointly in the communitythat may be geographically divided around the world,students collect historical datawith the use of their mobile devices,and such data are aggregated on our serverand can be viewed for various layers on the map.I am going to tell about it later,and now let me proceed to two projects,on which we are working.One of them is entitled“Digital Expedition to Small Museums of Ukraine”.The exact number of them is not known,they may be established in schools,they may be the part of the private collection,it may be a couple of rooms in the synagogue.In Ukraine,this long listcan be extended by a chain of local history museumsthat remained practically in each regional centersince the Soviet timesand, unfortunately, changed only a little.In these museums,our students will try to find interesting exhibits,documents and physical exhibits,works of artdated back of the period from 1939 to 1945.To begin with,we will create about 20 alliances of school,museum experts even this year.Next year, in 2021,we plan to expand the number of such alliancesup to 100.It is very important thatthis is a digital expedition.We will help schoolsand museums with equipment,and we will digitize data.This means that we will fine keywordsthat will be stored as tagsin our database,and, thus, these documents will be available for searchand will be returnedto the world of artistic heritage of museums.Now, it is almost impossible to find something online.The title of the second projectis the Red Dot of Memory project.I would like to show here this illustration.This is a frame from the Schindler’s Listfilm by Spielberg.You probably rememberthat the film in black and white,made in a very sad and even in gloomy colors,but there is one spot of color -a red coat of a very cutelittle blond girl.Spielberg gives us to understandthat this is the red dot,this image engraved on Schindler’s memoryprobably forever and determined allhis subsequent actions.We think, that, in the brainof any persons who survivedthe war and the Holocaust,there is at least one such red dot.And we would like to preserve themfor our descendants.And all of this data from museumsand red dots of memorywill be gathered on our portal.In the center of this portal,there is a unique product —a many-dimensional map of memory.Why is it multi-dimensional?As any other map,it has the latitude, longitude,but we have added another coordinate —coordinate of time.This map could be scrolled by weeks,by months, and by years.Historical materials will be presented on this map.The position of the army,the front line,the density of populationthat changed over the years,including Jewish population.On this map,we add very important dimension,the 4th dimension refers to red dots of memory.This is the dimension of emotions,grief, sadness, despair, even joy —everything happened at those times.We create a so-calledhuman dimension of this historic map.Then new layers are lain on it.When dealing with each of collaborative projects,we hope that there will beat least 10 to 20 new layers on the mapand all these layers will communicate with each otheron the software level by allowingto conduct historical research.It is very important,the community that will be formedwill be able to post any commentsby verifying or vice versadenying the facts presented on the map,thus, the rating of these memories,photographs and documentswill be either raised or lowered.Then the schoolchildrenwill be able to understandthat the historical truthis not what they heard, seen or even read.This is information that is representedby the community of experts,it can be accepted or refused by them.If it is accepted,it becomes new historical knowledge.Here’s the view of our 2 projectsand our portal.Thank you for your attention.Thanks for your attention. These were projectsrelated to science and education.Ruslan, thank you. In conclusion,I’d like to introduce the team to you by a minute video.Thank you very much, the team.Natan, I give you the floor.Max, thank you very much.Let’s face it,that presentation of the project took a lot of time,but, in my opinion,at this stage, it is very importantto get a clear view and clear ideaof the specific areas of developing our project,especially in light of numerous deceptionsthat we’re going to turnthe Holocaust into the Disneyland.Unfortunately,there were a lot of articles with such titles,I think,it is impossible not to listen without excitementwhat the younger generation of scientistshas presented us.Many thanks.Dear friends,we will need to adopt the budgetand operational decisions aboutwhich Max will inform us,but, nevertheless,we should providethe members of the Supervisory Boardwith the opportunity,if any, to express their observations,impressions, etc.I have received a requestfrom Slava Vakarchuk,who would like to say a few words.Slava, can you hear me?I can hear you, but I cannot see myself, just give me a second, I’ll try to figure out.- We can see you.- I will join soon, wait a second. Vika, I cannot see myself. I need to talk. Can you switch it on? Where am I here? Now I will try to see where I am.You can see yourself every day. We can see you.- Firstly, I would like to thank you for a very interesting and, I would even dare to say, unusual presentation.Everything that was said really requires deep understanding, and I would like to say that a huge amount of work has already been done,it really a modern one that is confirmed by choices made by boys and girls who participated in this project.This is what I wanted to appraise and say, and it is very important.Secondly, it is very important to me at my personal level of a person joined this project with a specific missionand I would like to once again emphasizethat our task is to make sure that the project will settle,in addition to emotional task,a moral problem that is a the number one issue and is very important.This is a task of memory,a task of immortalizing the tragedy and to making sure that it will never return back,to make our memory in way that such tragedy could never happen again.It is my personal taskand it is important for all of usto let Ukraine to get, in this context,to let Ukraine to get, in this context,a huge positive impact,it seems to me that this project is of such great geo-political importance.I would really like to address participantsof the scientific part and ask them to rememberthat this project is important for Ukraine as the stateand for Ukrainian as citizens of the state,and finally for all the people around the world.I recall that my great grandmother Kseniiaalso the experience of hiding two Jewish girls,her friends, in Mohyliv-Podilskyi.I know quite well what it meant,and on the other hand,this story of a personal nature for me.It is important for me to spread this Ukrainian memory;Ukrainian interests were more widely and more fairly.That is what I wanted to add.In general, I would like to thank for our history.There is one more important issue,a choker connected with events that happened in 1941 at the time,when people were shot at the Babyn Yar.I understand that today we talk about other issues,but I want to remind you that today,when our people are being shot in the east of our country,while regular events happen in other countriesand everybody is engaged in own regular daily activities.Let us remember about this, too.Our mission is to remember,although the tragedy of the Holocaust,become the thing of the past forever,as I hope, other modern tragedies unfolding in different parts of the world,including those in Ukraine, hurt me personally,and they are also important, and perhaps,in our discussions, we need to draw parallelsbetween the present and the eventsthat took place in the past.Because I think that we understand history quite well,we are very well aware of the factthat everything starts,as it was mentioned by one of viewers,with the falsification of history,distorted narratives, manipulations by politicianswho sometimes come to power by the legitimate way,this is the beginning of the tragedy.Let us remember that today we have the responsibility.Thanks.Thanks. Slava, thank you.Dear friends, in connection with the factthat Slava mentioned the importance of Ukraine’s participation in this project,as a summary, I would like to saythat we make efforts to engage all the representatives in the Public Council.But it is very important for us, as the Supervisory Board,the representatives of the President and government participatedin our work and, in this connection,I personally met withalways invited President Poroshenko to appoint his representative.I have personally met with the current president of Ukraineto voice this request, and I have recently sent a letter to him,I have talked with the Minister of Foreign Affairs,I think that is is our common desire,it is important for us that representatives of the Presidentand government take part in the work of the Supervisory Board.And this is the correct approach in contrast to the claims of some peopleto make this project a state one.Such projects have never been successful in any country,when they were public-managed projects.I very much hope, I believe that we will file againour request with the Ukrainian governmentand the President on appointmentof a representative to be part of our Board.Is there anybody who wants to express his/her opinion on the subject?Maxim, you are welcome.Yes, I do.I can only repeat that we have sent a letter,and, maybe, Leonid Makarovych,as a new person in the Supervisory Boardwould like to express his position in this regard.After all, he used to be the President of Ukraine.Friends, just a brief pause,I want to inform you thatI has passed the letter sendon behalf of the Babyn Yar fund to the Zelensky,explained its content orally once again and received the answerthat the position will be soon formedand representatives of the President will come outwith a proposal on a person who will actas a representative of the Presidentin the Supervisory Board of the Babyn Yar.Let us wait.That’s all I wanted to inform you about.Thank you.- I have to say that Aleksander Kwaśniewski is speaking.Can you hear me? Yes, I can hear you quite well.I will be brief. Firstly, the impressed of the presentation is strong.I think, it’s important that it is being developed in so many directions.It is very important, it covers history, education, artistic part,there are a lot of emotions.It was very important and very interesting for me.Secondly, I am very impressed by the factthat the group of people who have made their speechsbelong to the the younger generation.This generation aged 30+ and this is important.It is a sign that history and the Holocaust historyis important for these people and is important for the younger generationof Ukrainians and Ukraine.And I think that there is a big chancethat we are working and moving in the directionof great interests of young people.Thirdly, I would like to support Natan who told us about a good cooperation with the government,the President is very necessary and that it would be very goodto have people who are appointed by the Presidentand act of his behalf become part of our committeethat could allow us working together on the daily level.I think that today we, as the Board,should act and ask the president once again to appoint a person from the government,and it would be good if it could be done quickly.To ensure the success of the project,in which the government and state are involved,we need them to be part of our project.Thank you.Thank you, Mr. President. It is very nice to hear you.May I also ask? A couple of words. Irina BokovaYes, Irina.Thank you, Natan.I’m really impressed, it is great the we hold such meeting of the Board,because I must admit that I was very concerned about those criticswho were against the project and our work,Max knows about this, about my concern.Firstly, I think, when there are two parallel projects,it’s important to maintain communication with the government,the Ministry of Culture and other government agencies.But I also believe that it is important to the Public Council.After all, there the public:scientists. cultural figures, historians;all Ukrainian people should not only be informed,but also somehow involved through this Public Council.In general, it is really very impressive.I congratulate all the team who have presented these projects,I will also send mine, too,now I would not like to take a lot of time.But I am very interested in the educational project.Maybe you know that, when I worked for the UNESCO,I made major efforts to carry out educational work on the Holocaust.And we them in 2011, 2012, and 2013,we had special programs how to teach and include these themesinto the educational process,while sometimes teachers told usthat it was difficult to do at the primary education level.So, we already started to conduct this very interesting work,and our experience may be used as some guidelines in the work.My sincere congratulations,a very good work has been done.Thank you, Natan.Thank you, Irina, it is very important to hear it.Dear friends, I cannot see well…I have not received any other …Leonid Makarovich would like to say something.I cannot see yet …First of all, these are only two words.I am a new person, and it is natural that it was very interesting forto listen to the presentation.I’m actually deeply impressed.I have read a lot about this project.There are various opinions, criticism, various critical comments.The today’s presentation provided many answers to my many questions.I have become more aware of these issues.I thank you for this meeting, for this interesting conversation.Indeed, I would like to see the implementation of the idea at the human level,not only on the scientific level,it is important to implement it not only on the educational and historical level,but also on the human level.To tell what hard times people went through,to learn how we have to live and what conclusions we should make.It is very important.In general, I would like to thank youthat you have invited me to participate in the meeting of the Board.I believe that my task is to act so that my actionscould be helpful for me and the project.Thanks.Thank you, Mr. President.It was a pleasure to me.We are very glad that you are involved in our work.Dear friends, first of all,I think that this is the best answer to the criticism,which we should treat very carefully.I think that these projects and the presentationwe have seen today answer many questions.I want to agree with the President Kwaśniewski,the fact that our team is so youngmakes a strong impression on us, the older generation.I would like to thank Max, Ilya, and all thosewho participated in the meeting.Dear friends, we still need to approve the budget.Natan, the Mayor would like to make a speechI do not mind. Mr. Mayor?Friends, here many people said a lot about their impressions,it is quite a good presentation, and it really provide answers to many questions.I would like to inform you of a situation, make an offer and make an emphasis on it.Just a few days ago I had a meeting with the Ambassador of Germany,we have quit long-term warm relations with Germany and the Ambassador,and at this meeting the issue related to the dissemination of informationof negative information in mass media, including German media, was raised.I’m not here by accident.The information is spread, and it creates a very bad attitude to this project.I asked a lot of questions, I made focuses on the media,quite serious publications, there were many of them.The central office has informed me that Vladimir, my brother,had a meeting in the office of Chancellor Angela Merkel,where he received a verbal confirmation the German governmentwould fully coordinate actions and participatewithin the realm of possibility in the implementation of this process.I received an oral confirmation, and, in particular,specific instructions for more active actions were given.I think it is no coincidencethat the ambassador emphasized this issue,it is not her initiative, it is certainly information that was submitted to her came through the vertical channel.I would like you to tell you that today it is very importantto withstand the media in order to beat off such information attacks that,as we can see, come as echoes from Germany.In fact, it may not be the direct problem, but, perhaps,it can cause some consequences to the project.There is Joschka Fischer there,I treat him with a great respect respect as a politician, as a public person,as an authoritative person in Germany.He is also a person who can monitor the situation.It is my clear conviction that there is a good presentation,there are many answers to the questions that were put.We need to focus on responding the emerging charges and criticism.It is the job of the press service, and it has to report about our current actions,about our ideas and the essence of the project.Since nothing comes out of nowhere, and all this information is distorted.By whom? Time will tell.In short, there is a request to all participants, including employees,young people who have made their speeches today,to focus on the media component of the project.Thank you.Thank you.I should tell that, in my opinion,we have recently discussed that it is very important to a have,among your experts, a serious professional, who can deal with the press.I believe that it is an absolutely urgent matter.But as a result of this meeting, an application will be compiled,and I think it will be sent out within the next few hours.If someone have any comments,they can be provided within the next few hours.But I think the best answer to the criticism …Political criticism is clear to everybody.Accusations that we change the very nature of studyingand approaching the Holocaust are a kind of games,I think the best answer that we may give it let them waitand show the implemented projects.Now, it is clear what we are actually doing.And, I think, we have to do everything possible to make it known as widely as possible.Therefore, I think that it’s the right thing to post our meeting on the Internet.Naturally, we, each of us, all togetherand in conjunctions of our professionals should find wayshow to respond to all those numerous publicationsthat completely discredit and distort the essence of our work.We have to find wayshow to give the answer, how we can make the projects,we are working on, more widely known.Natan, can you give me a minute?Yes, of course.Thank you.Firstly, I would like to thank the entire teamfor the presentation that is very informative and very qualitative.It seems to me that such presentation should be organizingfor the Ukrainian public and Ukrainian media,and maybe for the international media.Of course, it should be adapted to make it to the public,but not for members of the Supervisory Board.This presentation could provide answered to journalists.I think it could be quite useful for our project.Thank you.That is right, that is a good idea.Friends, if there are no more comments,I give the floor to Max.We should adopt a number of decisions related to the budget.Yes, we need vote officially,approve the results of the previous year,approve the budget for this year and approve projects for this year.Have you submitted this year’s budget to us?Yes, we sent it to all of you, everyone received it last week.Yes, we sent it to all of you, everyone received it last week.Okay, if all of you have seen whether the budget, do you have any comments on it?If there are no comments, I suggest to proceed to voting.Again, it is very difficult for me, I cannot all of you from here.I can see one part or another. Maxim, could you take a vote?Yes, we see everybody, we can make records.Ok. So, who is for the approval of the budgetfor the current year that was submitted by the administration for all the projects,which we have seen right now and which we understand well?Probably, it is better to ask whether there are some personswho are against or abstained.If there are none, we consider that the budget is adopted unanimously.Ok. Then that’s all.Thank you. And the last decision.We would like to establish an Operations Committeethat will hold meeting a couple of times a monthto discuss strategy and projects in in the standard operating mode.Each of the members of the Supervisory Board is invited to join the Operations Committee.So, we kindly ask to support this decision,and we will include it in the minutes of the meeting.Shall we now only vote for the establishment of this committee?Yes.It’s OK. Because we need additional nominationsthat will be added to the members of the Supervisory Board or, perhaps,some of the members may not want to be part of that committee.Now we cannot start this conversation.Now we are only talking about the creation of such Operations Council.Yes.The Operations Committee will cover management issues,and at any time, the members of the Supervisory Boardmay participate in it at any time.Ok. It is right.All the members of the Supervisory Board are invited to join it.That is, the goal of the management is to inform in advanceto provide members of the Supervisory Boardwith the opportunity to decide whether they want or do not want to participate.Yes.Yes. Okay, done.Again, I have to ask if there are any people who are against abstained.If there none, the decided is considered adopted.OK. That’s all.Thank you very much.Thank you very much. Dear friends,I would like once again to extend a big thank to Max, Ilya and the entire team.I saw some of the people for the first time, it is very interesting,and we hope that this is only the beginning of a very interestingand enormous work on our unique project.I thank all the members of the Supervisory Board.It is so pleasant to see you in full strength,despite the fact that each of us is at own home.I wish a lot of health to all of us.Thank you.Thank you.Thank you, good bye.Thank you, all the best, good-bye.Have a nice day.Английский (Соединенные Штаты)