The Yom Kippur War

The Yom Kippur War

The Yom Kippur War, also known as the October War, was one of the most significant events in the history of Israel and the Middle East as a whole. This conflict, which began on October 6, 1973, had far-reaching consequences for the region and the foreign policies of many countries. Context The period leading up to the Yom Kippur War was marked by escalating tensions between Israel and its Arab neighbors, particularly Egypt and Syria….

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Jewish Sexuality: Balance and Passion

Jewish Sexuality: Balance and Passion

In an upscale jewelry store nestled in the prestigious quarters of northern Tel Aviv, the proprietor was taken aback by an unusual request. It came from a religious woman in Jerusalem, the wife of a highly respected figure in the ultra-Orthodox community. Adorned in traditional attire, she sought a bespoke creation: a golden ankle bracelet adorned with platinum touches and twelve diamond-studded charms. Despite the substantial nature of the order, the owner’s curiosity got the…

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Is sexual activity permissible on the Sabbath?

Is sexual activity permissible on the Sabbath?

The laws outlined in the Torah encompass 39 categories of activities that are prohibited during this sacred day. Broadly speaking, these restrictions include refraining from heating food over a flame (cooking or reheating), refraining from operating electronic devices, including phones, abstaining from using transportation, refraining from taking items outside the home – even small ones tucked in pockets – unless there’s an eruv in place, which is a symbolic enclosure that demarcates an area where…

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The village of Ksaveriv and Its Jewish Past

The village of Ksaveriv and Its Jewish Past

The village of Ksaveriv, located in the Polissia region, has a rich history. An important aspect of its past was the Jewish community that lived here for many centuries. Memories of this community have almost vanished, remaining only in the recollections of a few long-time residents and archival documents, but researchers and local historians continue to uncover the village’s history. Nestled among the forests of Zhytomyr Polissia, far from major roads, was the small village…

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80 years on: The true faces of the Babyn Yar Murders are being revealed

80 years on: The true faces of the Babyn Yar Murders are being revealed

    Between 29-30 September, 1941, the Nazis murdered 33,771 Jewish Ukrainians in the Babyn Yar Ravine on the outskirts of Kyiv. –       Perpetrators have never been convicted – despite extensive testimonies gathered after the War, now revealed by the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center. –       Having already uncovered new information about the victims and the Massacre, the Memorial Center has begun compiling evidence and testimonies shedding light on the perpetrators…

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Як у США: Український телеканал розмістив поруч ялинку та ханукію

Як у США: Український телеканал  розмістив поруч ялинку та ханукію

Телеканал Київ, головний телеканал столиці України, першим в Україні розмістив у студії ялинку поруч з ханукією. Саме так вже багато років роблять провідні телеканали новин у Сполучених Штатах. Про це на власній сторінці у Facebook повідомив прес-секретар общини “Хабад Любавич” у Києві Леонід Барац. Тепер, під час кожного випуску новин, глядачі сповнені світла, очікування дива та добрих новин. ✡ Про Різдво та Хануку простою мовою – читайте в нашій статті.

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Names and Numbers of Righteous Among the Nations – per Country, as of January 1, 2020

Names and Numbers of Righteous Among the Nations – per Country, as of January 1, 2020

The numbers of Righteous are not necessarily an indication of the actual number of rescuers in each country, but reflect the cases that were made available to Yad Vashem. Albania 75 Japan 1 Armenia 24 Latvia 138 Austria 112 Lithuania 916 Belarus 669 Luxembourg 1 Belgium 1,767 Macedonia 10 Bosnia 49 Moldova 79 Brazil 2 Montenegro 1 Bulgaria 20 Netherlands 5,851 Chile 2 Norway 67 China 2 Peru 2 Croatia 120 Poland 7,112 Cuba 1…

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