Unheard stories of terror and Holocaust victims to sound louder

Unheard stories of terror and Holocaust victims to sound louder

In order to establish the fullest collection of spoken testimonies of mass violence in the mid-20th century and victims of the Holocaust, and to call on all museums focused on crimes against humanity to unite to promote and advocate their joint efforts, the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center (BYHMC) and the “Territory of Terror” Memorial Museum of Totalitarian Regimes signed a Cooperation and Partnership Memorandum on 19 June. In 2018, the BYHMC started its project…

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Volodymyr Zelensky’s Inaugural Address

Volodymyr Zelensky’s Inaugural Address

Dear Ukrainians! After my election victory, my six-year-old son said: «Dad, they say on TV that Zelensky is the President … So, it means that…I am… the President too?!» At the time, it sounded funny, but later I realized that it was true. Because each of us is the President. Not just the 73 percent who voted for me, but all 100 percent of Ukrainians. This is not just mine, this is our common victory….

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Volodymyr Zelensky Dissolves Verkhovna Rada and Calls on the Cabinet to Resign

Volodymyr Zelensky Dissolves Verkhovna Rada and Calls on the Cabinet to Resign

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has decided to dissolve the Verkhovna Rada of the eighth convocation. He announced the decision in his inaugural speech at the special parliament session on May 20th in Kyiv. He also called on the deputies to use the remaining two months before the snap election to pass laws removing parliamentary immunity, establishing criminal liability for illegal enrichment and provide for the open-list Electoral Code. In addition, Volodymyr Zelensky demanded that…

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The Position of the Volodymyr Zelensky Team In Regard to the Issuance of Russian Passport to Ukrainian Citizens

The Position of the Volodymyr Zelensky Team In Regard to the Issuance of Russian Passport to Ukrainian Citizens

With the order to issue RF passports in the temporarily occupied Ukrainian territories, Russia has clearly admitted its responsibility there as the aggressor state. Such actions vividly demonstrate to the world that Russia is indeed the aggressor who wages war against Ukraine. These actions are yet another evident demonstration to the world community of Russia’s true role as the aggressor who wages war against Ukraine. Unfortunately, this order does not bring us closer to the…

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October 1, 2018. Holocaust Monument Opening at the Soshne Forest Killing Site

October 1, 2018. Holocaust Monument Opening at the Soshne Forest Killing Site

Tsal Kaplun Foundation based in New York, USA and State Administration of Izyaslav rayon of Khmelnitskyi oblast will hold a ceremony of opening a Monument dedicated to victims of Holocaust in Izayslav. The opening will take place on October 25, 2018 at 1 p.m. local time. This memorial will be the first in a series of monuments funded by the Tsal Kaplun Foundation (TKF) to honor the Holocaust victims and to ensure that the horrors…

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Hope4Hanukkah Annual Charity Campaign in Ukraine

Hope4Hanukkah Annual Charity Campaign in Ukraine

Candles, which quantity is increasing day by day, the aroma of potato pancakes and donuts, small gifts, hopes, dreams, miracles … Return to childhood … Hanukkah … Wonderful holiday, fun for children and adults, the opportunity to spend time with friends, have fun, to fulfill the commandment, to make a gift … And what happens to those who are lonely and weak, to those who are slaves of their four walls not due to their…

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Documentary project “Word of the Righteous” was presented in Kyiv

Documentary project “Word of the Righteous” was presented in Kyiv

According to official figures, there are about 2.5 thousand people in Ukraine, who have the honorary title of the Righteous Among the Nations, which they were awarded by the State of Israel in gratitude for rescuing the Jewish people during the Second World War. We are the second country after Poland by the number of heroes, and the work of Svetlana Levitas and MargarethaOrmotsadze, will tell about the people who saved others, risking their own…

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